Delivery Charges will be manually charged by our team by providing a Screenshot, Can Place Order Online for compost.
Delivery Charges will be as follows
Local Hyderabad delivery will be in between 120-180 (Delivery will be through Porter / Rapido / customer can pick from our store or can also book a vehicle)
Other than Hyderabad if the delivery location is in Telangana & Andhra pradesh then Delivery will be through Navata Transport. Charges will be in between 237-300.
Our All natural Vapra-Plant Fit compost Vapra-Plant Fit compost is Aerobic compost with
3.78% of Nitrogen,
0.77% Phosphorus &
0.83% Potassium
The most important while purchasing the compost is its pH value and our compost’s pH value is 7.67% which is very good for your plants 🌱
We make our compost with the waste of vegetables and our compost is 100% organic and nitrogen rich.
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